In general, the ingesting of Psilocybe cubensis results in changes in mood (( "mood changes" mean, ideally, euphoira and a feeling of connectedness, though some people instead experience anxiety )) thought-pattern and, at higher doses, hallucination. Nausea is unfortunately also common with ingesting Psilocybe cubensis. The "high" usually begins about half an hour after ingestion and lasts six to eight hours, though longer trips are possible. Like all trypamines ((an indolamine metabolite of the essential amino acid, tryptophan.)), psilocybes often cause what has been called "the mushroom yawns" which increase markedly as one begins to peak, however, the feeling in the rest of the body is energetic and not tired. Users of psilocybes can expect a wide variety of possible effects and sensations, from mystical, euphoric and revelatory to the hyperspatial and mind-altering observational. At doses over 3 grams, some users report experiencing warping of the visual field, melting objects, time distortion, hallucinations both when eyes are closed or open and synesthesia. (Synesthesia; "seeing" sounds and "feeling" colours.) Remember to stay hydrated, sipping some honey ginger tea might counteract any possible nausea during the come-up.

I did some research on most of the spores that we carry at The Seed Cellar.....Here is some of my findings...
AA+ Leucistic Cubensis : Albino A+ starts fast and is often funny and causes hallucinations that make the world appear gelatinous. AA+ is known for having a particularly strong flavor. Ablino A+ is one of the more more potent Psilocybe cubensis strains.
Ape Revert Cubensis : With extremely high psilocybin content, the Albino Penis Envy mushrooms effects may include intense feelings of joy, powerful bodily sensations, a loss of sense of space and time, along with hallucinations , followed by a clear-minded afterglow. APE Revert is also known to provoke intense feelings of euphoria, deep instropsection, philosophical thoughts, out of body experiences and feeling of connectiveness with the Universe. Users have described a uplifted mood and enhanced energy levels. Albino Penis Envy Revert is known to be one of the most hard-hitting psilocybin strain and is recommended for experienced trippers only.
B+ Cubensis: Users are said to experience euphoria, dreaminess, receptivness and creativity. Body relaxant and uplifting and often no nausea. Higher doses of B+ Cubensis has said to cause visual halluncinations, time bending and synesthesia. B+ seems to foster a warm energy with gentle visual alterations, it is a good choice to help with mood, creativity and sociableness.

Blue Meanine: a potent strain of psilocybe cubensis. After 10-30 minutes of consuming Blue Meanine mushrooms you will feel your mood enhanched with euphoria and excitment. Depending on dosage, you will experience mild to intense visual enhancements. Things may seem like they are breathing and nature around you will feel more intense.
Cambodian Cubensis: Cambodian mushrooms are characterized by an energetic high that lasts a long time. Cambodian cubensis really wake you up in a beautiful way, opening your mind to infinite and transcendence. Music and art will look and feel different and you will have a higher appreication of it.
Ecuador Cubensis: A popular species of magic mushrooms, these were used to induce a altered state of consciousness for healing rituals and religious ceremonies. Today Ecuadorian magic mushrooms are still used by local healers and shamans. Ecuador cubensis provides a euphroic state of mind which is dreamy and relaxing. The initial effects are known to be very intense and then it is expected to become more chill as you ease in . This strain may provide less of a body high, keeping the experience clean and spiritual.

Golden Mammoth: A not so common strain , as it was professionally developed to be one the strongest, virus-free cubensis strains on the market. Golden Mammoth mushrooms tend to be a more spiritual and enlightening experience. Expect a hard come-up and then a long-drawn period of bliss and enlightenment.
Golden Teacher: One of the most popular and common strains of magic mushrooms. Golden Teachers are best known for their shamnistic properties, or spiritual effects rather than soley tripping and moderate levels of psilocybin and psilocin. Consuming Golden Teacher shrooms will give a feeling of enlightenment, they will help you connect with nature. Amazing ability to heal the mind and spirit. Golden Teachers are for both beginners and veterans.
Guapiles Cubensis: Known to give a warm and visual and spiritual experience, espically in nautre. Guapiles cubensis are renowned for producing warm energy, light visual hallucination and feelings of love and deep social connection. This strain is great for beginners and experienced users, consisently well reviewed as a versatile strain that is great for all situations and occasions.

Gulf Coast Cubensis: This strain is known to be high in potency, eliciting intense visuals and mystical states of consciousness.
Hawaiian: Expect a light body high and deep transcendence of the mind. Colorful visuals can be expected when you close your eyes, it should feel infinite and grand. When enjoyed with friends expect laughter and some real heart to heart conversations.
Leucistic Burma: Burma mushrooms are generally said to produce an intense and enjoyable experience. Changes in thought pattern often includes personal and spiritural insight.
Leucistic Ecuador Cubensis: Offers a clean, spiritual psychedelic experience without a strong body high. It is very much an introspective high, perfect for self-discovery and exploration of other realms. Consumers report a strong come-up with visuals , followed by a mental trip. Leucistic Ecuador cubensis magic mushrooms offer a above average potency.
Lizard King: Effects of Lizard King are said to be average to above average potency. Reports say the experience is very spiritual and not much of a body high. This is a good entry level mushroom and is a hiking favorite. A fun, energetic trip with some good visuals.

Malaysian Cubensis: These above average strength mushrooms are known for providing intense visual journeys. You will experience deep profound feelings of gratefulness and transcendence. You may start to question the meaning of life and end up making some amazing break throughs of your mind and heart. This strain is above average potency.
Orissa India: One of the most popular hallucinogenic mushrooms species in the world. Orissa India is known as a very physical strain, some people like the heavy body buzz. Visuals are also said to be intense.
Penis Envy: The Penis Envy strain of magic mushrooms is known to be one of the strongest and hard hitting. This strain grows very slow but the yields are larger fruits, and mycologists suggest that its slow growth results in more time for psilocybin production. Expect deep shamanic experiences , vision quests and an instense mystical experience . This strain is not recommended for first time users, this strain is special and expect a trans-formative experience. Those who have consumed Penis Envy have noted that the effects have a deeper intensity than others. (( For example, Penis Envy provides more of a "wavy" visual hallucination than other varieties. ))
Pink Buffalo: Pink Buffalo mushrooms are said to be best known for their visuals that are often compared to highly vivid dreams. The potency is considered average and its effects are more mental and less body.

Stargazer Cubensis: Stargazers come in different potencies depending upon its enviromental and growth conditions. Stargazers can produce feelings of interconnectedness, euphoria, transcending time, visual halluncinations, synesthesia, ego death and altered auditory perception in large doses. In smaller amounts, can provide mood elevation and things like visual tracers.
With the research I've been able to do thus far, your magic mushroom experience has more to do with dosage and enviroment and mindset and less to do with a paticular strain. The goal of microdosing isn't actually to feel high but rather enhance your mood, improve cognition, focus and mindfulness whilst reducing those feelings of anxiety. Users of microdosing report a reduciton in anxiety and depression, whilst promoting overall feelings of wellbeing and happiness. At microdose the effects are mild and can be similar to weed. Expect butterflies in your tummy and mild visulas and relaxation. If you increase your magic mushrooms dose, expect a moderate body high, light halluncinations, improved creativity, euphoria and introspection.
All of the books shown in this blog are available for purchase at The Seed Cellar.